ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS AND INVESTORS. Bagleys are pleased to present this two bedroom terraced to the market which has been priced to sell. Property comprises: living room, dining room, kitchen, ground floor bathroom, two first floor bedroom and en-suite WC. EPC D61.
ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS AND INVESTORS. Bagleys are pleased to present this two bedroom terraced to the market which has been priced to sell. Property comprises: living room, dining room, kitchen, ground floor bathroom, two first floor bedroom and en-suite WC. EPC D61.
Living Room: 3.86m x 3.50m (12'8" x 11'6"), Two UPVC windows, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point. Understairs cupboard houses fuse board.
Dining Room: 3.81m x 3.47m (12'6" x 11'5"), UPVC window, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point. Stairs to first floor.
Kitchen: 2.61m x 3.60m (8'7" x 11'10") max, Fitted with a range of kitchen units. Space for a free-standing electric cooker. UPVC window, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point. Loft access hatch.
Bathroom: 1.95m x 2.53m (6'5" x 8'4") max, White suite comprising panelled bath with shower over, pedestal sink and low-level WC. Worcester as central heating boiler. UPVC window, gas central heating towel rail and ceiling light point.
Landing: Doors to both bedrooms and ceiling light point.
Bedroom: 3.86m x 3.54m (12'8" x 11'7"), UPVC window, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point.
Bedroom: 3.79m x 3.49m (12'5" x 11'5") max, UPVC window, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point. Door to en-suite
Ensuite WC: 1.18m x 1.72m (3'10" x 5'8"), Low level WC and wash hand basin. UPVC window, gas central heating radiator and ceiling light point.